Hope Johnson Gordon » Links


  • You’ve already defined your goal for your personal web page. Now
    you’ll have a chance to prepare to develop your page.
    Your page will show that you can…
    ❏ Use HTML to structure a site
    ❏ Use CSS to style text and layout
    ❏ Respect copyright when using images
    ❏ Keep your personal information safe
    ❏ Write readable code and use good file names

  • You’ve already defined your goal for your personal web page. Now
    you’ll have a chance to prepare to develop your page.
    Your page will show that you can…
    ❏ Use HTML to structure a site
    ❏ Use CSS to style text and layout
    ❏ Respect copyright when using images
    ❏ Keep your personal information safe
    ❏ Write readable code and use good file names

  • You’ve already defined your goal for your personal web page. Now

    you’ll have a chance to prepare to develop your page.

    Your page will show that you can…

    ❏ Use HTML to structure a site

    ❏ Use CSS to style text and layout

    ❏ Respect copyright when using images

    ❏ Keep your personal information safe

    ❏ Write readable code and use good file names