About Us » Our Pledge

Our Pledge

Who we ARE
The Metropolitan Soundview High School exists in order to ensure students build the character, skills, and disposition to reach their highest potential in school, within their community, and throughout their lives.
Commitment to the Educational Experience
  •  A rigorous secondary school education.

  • An intimate learning environment with small classes, advisories, and parent contact.

  • An integrated curriculum with clear relationships between academic subjects.

  • Service to the community is promoted as part of the learning experience.

  • An integrated arts curriculum, nurturing students’ self-expression creatively and constructively.

  • Participation in volunteer programs and college enrichment experiences that challenge the comfort zones of our students

Civic Responsibility
  • Students are prepared to be successful, contributing members of society.

  • Families are actively involved in the school community by volunteering in the parent organization.

Respect for the Community, the Environment, and Others
  • Students are aware of the ecological system in which they live and are exposed to measures they can take to improve the health of that system.

  • Nurture the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of each member of our community.

  • Maintain a school that is intimate enough for students to be comfortable and build lasting relationships with faculty and other students.